Go Mad With Science: Mix Up Some Kitchen Science Fun
When I was about eight years old, I found a science article in a newspaper describing how to grow coal crystals. The picture looked so fascinating to me. I remember becoming completely obsessed with growing my own crystals. I needed salt, ammonia, laundry bluing and a piece of coal. I knew my mom had salt and food coloring in the cupboard and ammonia under the kitchen sink. I had no idea what bluing was, but I pestered her relentlessly to buy some for me. It felt like an eternity before she was able to go to the store, but one day she finally got it. Once I had the bluing, I was set to go. I had already found a piece of "coal" in the street. It really was just a black rock, but at the time I was sure it was coal. I eagerly mixed up the magic crystal potion, poured the solution into one of my dad's ashtrays (sad, but true) and placed the piece of coal in the middle of it.Then I waited and waited rather impatiently. It took a couple of days, but I finally began to see amazing, icy white mountains forming on the rock.They grew bigger quickly and I topped them off with dots of food coloring. They looked magically beautiful. How did that happen? It seemed like a miracle to me at that tender young age. Growing coal crystals was one of the many kitchen science experiments I performed as a child. And as you can probably tell, it certainly was one of my most memorable ones. As my daughter grew up, I watched her face glow with the same fascination and wonder that I experienced as she did some of the same experiments at home with me and her dad. I believe these kinds of kitchen experiments with simple, safe ingredients from the cupboard (and adult supervision, of course) are essential to learning and development. While kids have fun watching concoctions grow, bubble or change shape, there are solid chemistry rules and scientific principles being taught and demonstrated at the same time. Hands-on science experiments at home with kids go beyond just presenting facts to them in a class. Kids can interactively witness outcomes firsthand. They come to understand how science is part of daily life. It's good, educational family fun, too. And these experiences may spark curiosity and interest in a science career. So throw open the kitchen cupboards. Get out the measuring cups, spoons and bowls. Choose your ingredients. Expect a mess at times. And watch with wonder every time. Want some cool recipes for home science fun with your kids? Check out Buzzfeed.com's "24 Kids' Science Experiments That Adults Can Enjoy, Too!" Their crystal geodes look pretty neat. I might have to try making them myself. And join us at Fundamentally Toys on Friday, September 20, 2013, 7:00 p.m (CT) for Mad Science with Magnificent Meg's fun and interactive show,"Fire & Ice." Watch Meg in this video on KUOW Houston.
Having fun is one of the smartest things we'll ever do in our lives. Play paves the way for kids to learn, build, create and imagine – skills we'll use throughout all of our adult years. As a parent, it's important to not only make time in our children's schedules for play, but to take time as well to share games and toys with them. Make it a family affair! Toys promote physical, emotional, social, creative and intellectual development. Playing with toys helps kids make sense of the world, understand how things work and communicate and interact with other people. From the first shake of a rattle to a complex chess move, toys and games are important at every age and stage of childhood development. Every toy is fun and holds the possibility of teaching something big or small. However, it is important to choose toys that maximize learning while having fun. Consider your child's interests and abilities and pick toys that will encourage and bring out different aspects of his or her development. Here are popular categories of games and toys and just some of their many benefits: Board and card games in a variety of levels teach cooperation, social interaction and logical thinking. They also develop memory, attention to detail, reasoning and problem-solving skills. Art materials offer open-ended, creative play with things such as paints, crayons, clay, paper, colored pencils, beads and many everyday household items. Construction and building toys contribute to understanding shapes, space, dimensions and cause and effect. And they aid with development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Puzzles and puzzle games stretch the mind with abstract thinking, color and shape matching, problem solving and sequencing. A finished or solved puzzle provides a sense of accomplishment. Physical play toys such as balls, scooters, bikes, balance boards and flying disks improve gross motor skills, balance, coordination and strength. Pretend play sparks the imagination and develops storytelling and acting skills with puppets, dolls, figures, vehicles, stuffed animals and dress-up clothes. Children's books foster a love of reading and shape language, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Reading with or to a child is a time for quiet and bonding with parents. I could go on and on, of course, about toys and their benefits. But see for yourself. Visit FUNdamentally Toys and peruse our large selection of specialty and educational toys. It's one of the smartest things you can do for yourself and your child!