VICTORY Houston makes shopping so easy and rewarding
the Holiday Shopping Card!

The Holiday
Shopping Card Event is one of Houston’s most anticipated events of the year and
a great kick-off to the holiday season – especially for those of us who like to
get a jump start on our gift list. Beginning
October 25, 2012, you can purchase your Holiday Shopping Card at many Houston
area participating merchants – including Fundamentally Toys.
For a
minimum donation of $70, you can shop till you drop for 11 days from October 25th
through November 4th and receive a 20% discount on regularly-priced purchases
from hundreds of local area merchants in Houston. And you can be assured that 100% of your donation
goes directly to the American Cancer Society.
This is a win-win-win event.
Save lives! Save Money! Shop Local!
For more details, visit Victory Houston's website.